Frequently Asked Questions About Solar Shingles

Solar roof shingles are a great way to turn a traditional shingle roof into an energy source. As solar shingles become a popular roof material option in Colorado many homeowners have questions about whether they are right for their home. Here are some answers to common questions about solar shingles.

How Do Solar Shingles Work?

As with solar panels, solar shingles use photovoltaic cells to convert light into electricity. Within the last 10 years thin-film solar cells, which can achieve a 19% electrical conversion rate, have made solar shingles very effective and a viable option for a wider range of applications.

What do solar shingles look like?

Unlike solar panels of the past that were mounted on a metal frame, solar shingles have a low profile that is integrated into the roof profile to create an attractive, easy to maintain roof. Newer designs use building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) and combine cells—also known as thin film—with metal, slate, fiber-cement, and asphalt roofing.

How much energy savings will solar shingles provide?

While there are many factors in determining the performance of solar shingles – including geographical location, roof orientation, surrounding terrain and other factors –  it is generally estimated that for every dollar invested in a solar shingle roof, the owner can potentially realize up to $4 back in energy savings over a 20-year period.

Are solar shingles a good choice for the snow and wind of the mountain environment?

When installed properly, solar shingles are designed to withstand strong winds as well as conventional shingles. They can also withstand mountain snows, and can be cleared of snow in the winter to restore power generation.

Have questions about solar shingles? Give The Roofing Company a call today.